5 Unit Apartment Building 100% Occupied for only $79,000!!!
Investment Opportunity
Purchase Price: $79,000
Cost per door: $15,800
Building Class: C
Location Class: C
Investment Benefits
- NOI $12,231
- 67.3% 5 Year ROI
- 100% Occupied
- Large Equity
- Management is already in place
- Great for Section 8 Housing
- Room to Raise Rent
- Even More Possible Value Plays!
Property Description
Unit Mix
Type | # of Units |
1 BDR/1BA | 4 |
2 BDR/1 BA | 1 |
Number of Units: 4
Style: Two-Story
Construction: Siding
Current Occupancy: 100%
Market Cap Rate: 10%
Pro Forma Cap Rate: 15.5%
Income and Expenses
Unit Income
Type | # of Units | Actual Rent |
1 BDR/1 BA | 1 | $350 |
1 BDR/1 BA | 1 | $375 |
1 BDR/1 BA | 1 | $475 |
1 BDR/1 BA | 1 | $540 |
2 BDR/1 BA | 1 | $525 |
Subject Property Rent:
Actual rents are provided in the Rent Roll.
Income Pro-Forma
Yearly Potential Income $27,1800
Less Vacancy (10%) (2,718)
Less Expenses (45%) (12,231)
Net Operating Income $12,231
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AmeriPlex Holdings, LLC has prepared this Executive Summary, which contains brief, selected information pertaining to the business and affairs of the property. The information contained herein does not purport to be all inclusive nor does it purport to contain all of the information representative of the property. AmeriPlex Holdings, LLC nor any of its respective partners, officers, employees or agents makes any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein or otherwise expressed and conveyed and no legal liability is assumed or shall be implied with respect hereto.
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Potential investors are recommended and urged to perform their own examination and investigation and not to rely on the information contained within this document or other materials otherwise provided.
Contact Information
Please contact me at the phone number or email address listed below if you are an interested party, or if you require further information.
AmeriPlex Holdings, LLC
(214) 796-7106